Thursday, August 7, 2014

How To Say I Love You in a Special Way!

How do you say I Love You to someone other than speaking the words. Do you give them flowers, candy, hugs, kisses, jewelry etc? I know all of these sound good but how about a new and different way?

Many years ago my Mom and Dad went to visit my Aunt and Uncle who lived in Shreveport, La and upon their return they started a new tradition in their home.

My Aunt Angie had made a special dinner for my parents and set the table for my Dad and Mom with 2 red "You are Special" plates. My mother loved the idea it made her feel special and thought it was so great she purchased her own plate to start this tradition with us.

Just recently I gave a plate each to my nephews Danny and John for Christmas.I was pleasantly surprised how much they loved them. John just celebrated his 10th birthday and was excited when his mom made his favorite breakfast and served it to him on this plate.

The tradition of the "You Are Special Today" Red Plate has for generations been present at great and small moments of joy, struggle and growthThis blog The Red Plate Stories is well worth a stop over to read the stories.

Memories of love are created when we start a tradition that conveys our feelings to both the young and old and this red plate has done just that for my family.  With my own family I've used the red plate for birthdays, good grades, graduation or just because I wanted to say I love you.

So on one of my trips to a thrift store I came upon this I Love You plate and at first thought it might make a nice addition to a home on a plate easel. I resell some of  my finds. Then I remembered my red plate and thought why not? How cute would this be as a shower gift to a bride so she can convey her love to her new husband on special days with a special dinner?  We all love to be loved and this is a great way to say it.

Right now I have this plate up for auction at Ebay but you can easily create your own I love you plate with a white plate from the dollar store and some Porcelaine  markers. Here's a link on how to paint on ceramic that will show you the how and what to use all you need to do is come up with your own special design.

So I hope you enjoyed this post and think about adding a new way of saying I love you to those who you care so much for.


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